Taiwan's Automated Manufacturing Industry

    Image from: https://www.themanufacturer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Automotive-Robotics.jpg

As the demand for products that require manufacturing rapidly increases, Taiwan has adopted the technology to produce at a rate unheard of for such a small country.  At just one-twentieth the size of Texas, Taiwan is tenth worldwide in automated production according to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR).  Innovations in robotics have helped more industries apply efficient automated systems to produce and meet demand quotas.

In 2015, the Taiwanese government developed a plan called "Productivity 4.0" that invested over 1 billion USD into technology and machinery.  The plan aims to improve the per capita productivity of manufacturing industries sixty percent by 2024. 

Taiwan, known worldwide for cell phone and other electronic production has used dense robotic manufacturing practices to further develop the country and I admire the careful effort towards sustainability at a global scale.  I believe that Taiwan is a worldwide role model for recycling practices and the implementation of renewable energy powered machinery makes automated manufacturing practice more efficient and clean. 

For more information on the development of Taiwan's automated manufacturing Industry check the below link out:
